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what is the Angle between hour and minute hand at 11 45

In all competitive exams the problems on clocks  are asking.
Analog clock is considered as circle.
The total angle formed by a circle is 3600
Now we need to find out the angle between the hour and minute   hand.
Now we need to calculate the angle of hour  and minute hand by  considering the reference position as number 12.
Angle of  minute and hour hand is calculated from number 12 in clock.

Angle formed by a circular clock
Angle of minute and hour hand calculated from
Number 12
Time taken by minute  hand for  one revolution
Angle formed by minute hand in I min
1min =60
Time taken by hour hand in one revolution
3600= 12 hours
Angle formed by hour hand in 1 hour
300= 1 hour
                          Angle between hour and minute hand at 11 45
Convert 11Hr 45Min into hours
Angle formed by hour hand 47/4  Hrs
Angle formed by minute hand in 45 min
Difference in angle between minute and hour hand


Angle between hour and minute hand at 11 45 is  82.50


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