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how many times a day do the minute and hour hands of a clock form a straight line but in opposite direction

For this I am not writing any formula , simply  with the help of table we will try to understand the concept.

the minute and hour hands of a clock form a straight line but in opposite direction
Between 12.30 to 12.35
Between 1.35 to 1.40
Between 2.40 to 2.45
Between 3.45 to 3.50
Between 4.50 to 4.55
Between 5.55 to 6.00  : means at 6.00 clock they are straight but opposite @

Between 6.00 to 6.05 hands are not straight in opposite direction
 Between 7.05 to 7.10
Between  8.10 to 8.15
Between  9.15 to 9.20
Between  10.20 to 10.25
Between  11.25  to 11.30                  #  goto step 1

@ in 6 th column if we see in 5 to 6 hours and 6.00 to 7.00 hours they will straight but opposite only one time.
By seeing the above table the minute hand and hour hand s of a clock form straight line but in opposite direction in 11 times.

Means in 12 hours or in half day they are straight but in opposite direction 11 times.
since in a day of 24 hours ,hands of a clock are straight but in opposite direction  22 times.


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