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Showing posts from January, 2017

Relation between square and odd numbers

Odd  numbers are 1,3,5,7,9,…. Now we will see the sum of elements: Sum of first 2 odd  numbers: 1+3= 4= 2 2 Sum of first 3 odd  numbers: 1+3+5= 9= 3 2 Sum of first 4 odd  numbers: 1+3+5+7=16= 4 2 Sum of first 5 odd  numbers: 1+3+5+7+9 = 25 = 5 2          Sum of first 6 odd  numbers: 1+3+5+7+9 +11= 36 = 6 2          Sum of first 7 odd  numbers: 1+3+5+7+9+11+13 = 49 = 7 2          Sum of first 8 odd  numbers: 1+3+5+7+9+11+13+15 = 64 = 8 2    Sum of first n odd  numbers: 1+3+5+7+9+. . . . .  n numbers= n 2

MAGIC SUM=36. NUMBERS: 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 . MIDDLE NUMBER: 12

In a magic square 3x3, if we take numbers from 1 to 9 then the magic sum equal to 15. The magic square is as follows: 4 9 2  3 5 7 8 1 6 In the above magic square 3x3 magic sum is 15. In the above magic square 3x3 we are used numbers from1 to 9 arranged in 9 boxes. In any direction the sum equal to 15. Row wise  4+9+2=15, 3+5+7=15, 8+1+6=15. Column wise 4+3+8=15, 9+5+1=15, 2+7+6=15. Diagnol wise: 4+5+6=15, 2+5+8=15. The above magic square also can be written as follows: 5-1 5+4 5-3  5-2 5 5+2 5+3 5-4 5+1 In the above figure , shows the relation between middle number and other numbers. In the magic square we are taken numbers from 1 to 9 and number 5 is between 1 to 9. If we write  x in place of 5 in above magic square.                                         X-1 X+4 X-3  X-2 X X+2 X+3 X-4 X+1 Now we will write  magic square 3X3 with  magic sum=36  The magic sum is 33, means the middle number of

MAGIC SUM=33. NUMBERS: 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 . MIDDLE NUMBER: 11

In a magic square 3x3, if we take numbers from 1 to 9 then the magic sum equal to 15. The magic square is as follows: 4 9 2  3 5 7 8 1 6 In the above magic square 3x3 magic sum is 15. In the above magic square 3x3 we are used numbers from1 to 9 arranged in 9 boxes. In any direction the sum equal to 15. Row wise  4+9+2=15, 3+5+7=15, 8+1+6=15. Column wise 4+3+8=15, 9+5+1=15, 2+7+6=15. Diagnol wise: 4+5+6=15, 2+5+8=15. The above magic square also can be written as follows: 5-1 5+4 5-3  5-2 5 5+2 5+3 5-4 5+1 In the above figure , shows the relation between middle number and other numbers. In the magic square we are taken numbers from 1 to 9 and number 5 is between 1 to 9. If we write  x in place of 5 in above magic square.                                         X-1 X+4 X-3  X-2 X X+2 X+3 X-4 X+1 Now we will write  magic square 3X3 with  magic sum=33  The magic sum is 33, means the middle number of m

The area of square is 289 sq units. The perimeter is..

The area of square is 289 sq units. The perimeter is.. Solution :     Formula for area of square = sidexside=289                            Assume side=x                                         XxX=289                                           X 2 =289                                           X=  √289                                         X=  √17x17                                        X=17 Perimeter of a square is 4xside of a square. Perimeter of a square= 4xside                                        =4x17                                       =68 sq unitis. The area of square is 196 sq units. The perimeter is..

The area of square is 121 sq units. The perimeter is..

The area of square is 121 sq units. The perimeter is.. Solution :     Formula for area of square = sidexside=121                            Assume side=x                                         XxX=121                                           X 2 =121                                           X=  √121                                         X=  √11x11                                        X=11 Perimeter of a square is 4xside of a square. Perimeter of a square= 4xside                                        =4x11                                       =44 sq unitis. The area of square is 196 sq units. The perimeter is..

The area of square is 144 sq units. The perimeter is..

The area of square is 144 sq units. The perimeter is.. Solution :     Formula for area of square = sidexside=144                            Assume side=x                                         XxX=144                                           X 2 =144                                           X=  √144                                         X=  √12x12                                        X=12 Perimeter of a square is 4xside of a square. Perimeter of a square= 4xside                                        =4x12                                       =48 sq unitis. The area of square is 196 sq units. The perimeter is..

The area of square is 169 sq units. The perimeter is..

The area of square is 169 sq units. The perimeter is.. Solution :     Formula for area of square = sidexside=169                            Assume side=x                                         XxX=169                                           X 2 =169                                           X=  √169                                         X=  √13x13                                        X=13 Perimeter of a square is 4xside of a square. Perimeter of a square= 4xside                                        =4x13                                       =52 sq unitis. The area of square is 196 sq units. The perimeter is..

The area of square is 196 sq units. The perimeter is..

The area of square is 196 sq units. The perimeter is.. Solution :     Formula for area of square = sidexside=196                            Assume side=x                                         XxX=196                                           X 2 =196                                           X=  √196                                         X=  √14x14                                        X=14 Perimeter of a square is 4xside of a square. Perimeter of a square= 4xside                                        =4x14                                       =56 sq unitis.

The area of square is 256 sq units. The perimeter is

The area of square is 256 sq units. The perimeter is.. Solution :     Formula for area of square = sidexside=256                            Assume side=x                                         XxX=256                                           X 2 =256                                           X=  √256                                         X=  √16x16                                        X=16 Perimeter of a square is 4xside of a square. Perimeter of a square= 4xside                                        =4x16                                       =64 sq unitis.