In all competitive exams questions on clock are common . At what time the hands of a clock be together?. The explanation for this question is Given in below table shows " How many times will the hands of a clock coincide in a day? " . Sl No Hours Fraction part Fraction part simplified Time when the hands of a clock meet together 1 1-2 60/11 5 5/11 5 5/11 min past 1 2 2-3 120/11 10 10/11 10 10/11 min past2 3 3-4 180/11 16 4/11 16 4/11 min past 3 4 4-5 240/11 21 9/11 21 9/11 min past 4 5 5-6 300/11 27 3/11 27 3/11 min past 5 6 6-7 360/11 32 8/11 32 8/11 min past 6 7 7-8 420/11 38 2/11 38 2/11 min past 7 8 8-9 480/11 43 7/11 43 7/11 min past 8 9 9-10 540/11 49 1/11 49 1/1...